Quiznos Weekly Ads, Flyers & Deals


Quiznos Offers Feed the Fam and Feed the Crew Meal Deals with New Promo Codes

The Feed the Fam and the Feed the Crew meal deals are now available when you use one of two new Quiznos promo codes.

With the Feed the Fam deal, customers who use the promo code 8026 will get 4 subs (8 inch), chips and cookies for $29.99.

When you enter the promo code 8029 at checkout, you'll be able to get the Feed the Crew meal deal for $55 with 8 Quiznos subs (8 inch), cookies and chips.

Quiznos' Lobster, Steak and Cubano subs are not included with this limited time only promotion.